A recent study noted that only 1.2% of the US population meet all 7 primary guidelines for healthy living. These 7 areas include healthy weight, eating nutritious food, not smoking, participating in regular physical activity, and controlling blood pressure, glucose and total cholesterol.
Identify Empty and Liquid Calories (including juices) - alcohol, condiments, oils, beverages, snacks
Blood Sugar and Hunger Control-Timing, meal composition, glycemic load/index, portions, exercise, artificial sweeteners and MSG (mono-sodium glutamate) aka yeast extract Monitor Calories- portions and serving sizes, learning to understand food labels and calorie content Unnecessary consumption due to thirst, stress, emotions, environment and social factors Focus on Inclusion of good vs. Exclusion of "bad" - significantly (but gradually) increase vegetable consumption (of ALL* kinds- leafy greens, reds, orange, fresh, frozen, canned (watch salt) etc. *Potatoes can raise blood sugar significantly - limit consumption to about 1 medium potato per meal/snack), add fruits (fresh, dried frozen, canned -watch added sugar in canned and dried) nuts, seeds, beans, grains, lean, unprocessed proteins, minimal added fats, minimal added carbohydrate including "whole wheat" and "gluten free", and especially processed "white" flour products. "MyPlate" is a fair depiction of what an ideal meal should resemble. Make smart substitutes- No/Reduced fat dairy and milk alternatives, water with lemon, fresh and dried fruit for sweets, lean proteins for fattier cuts, low sugar/high fiber cereals, Artificial sweeteners- may increase acidity in body which results in nutrient loss and promote inflammation, hyper-sweet taste may cause one to expect, and, thus, crave calories Maximize Metabolism- sleep, exercise, regular meals, hydration, muscle mass, nutrition, breakfast, avoid/break up sedentary activity, etc. Forks over knives-movie
Food Inc-movie Fat Sick and Nearly Dead-movie Food Matters-movie "Sugar the bitter truth"-search online- youtube "Is sugar toxic 60 minutes special"-search online The weight of the nation- HBO special Super Size me- movie Fruits vs. Sugary drinks-google online - 60 minues Dr. Ludwig - History and science of sugar- http://www.wnyc.org/shows/heresthething/2012/jul/02/ The Food Babe- Blog Ross Training http://rosstraining.com/blog/ Wheat Belly- book Fat Head- Book and lecture online- search "diet, health and the wisdom of crowds" FREE EDUCATION List of open courses-also search "open courses", "Yale and Harvard Open courses"12/20/2013 http://www.nature.com/ijo/journal/v37/n4/abs/ijo2012229a.html
http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/12/09/snacking-your-way-to-better-health/?ref=health&_r=1& |
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